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Babies and Children


kyndra, tom & kiddos (colorado springs family portraits)

I'm not doing very many family sessions these days, but I just can't get enough of this shoot!  I met up with Kyndra and Tom and their adorable and hilarious little ones for a family portrait session a few weeks ago in Colorado Springs.  One of the things that cracked me up about this session was how alike their daughter and I are  - I felt like I was working with a five-year-old version of myself, same sense of humor and everything :)

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colorado springs family portraits, colorado springs family portrait photographer, denver family portraits, denver family portrait photographer, colorado lifestyle family portraits, colorado lifestyle family portrait photographer

Two of my favorite images are below.  Man, Jordan (R) has got the serious-model-smile thing DOWN!  She's so intense - I love it :)

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colorado springs family portraits, colorado springs family portrait photographer, denver family portraits, denver family portrait photographer, colorado lifestyle family portraits, colorado lifestyle family portrait photographer

colorado springs family portraits, colorado springs family portrait photographer, denver family portraits, denver family portrait photographer, colorado lifestyle family portraits, colorado lifestyle family portrait photographer

This girl was cracking me up. Constantly.

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colorado springs family portraits, colorado springs family portrait photographer, denver family portraits, denver family portrait photographer, colorado lifestyle family portraits, colorado lifestyle family portrait photographer

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colorado springs family portraits, colorado springs family portrait photographer, denver family portraits, denver family portrait photographer, colorado lifestyle family portraits, colorado lifestyle family portrait photographer

Thanks again!  You guys are amazing, and tell Jordan I said thanks again for her dinosaur drawing :)



how to be my favorite client

One of the biggest reasons I love my job so much is that my clients are downright amazing.  This year,  in particular, I've been able to meet and work with so many wonderful, creative, fun people who just seem to "get me".   I love it!  I've been thinking about that a lot lately, and I realized that all of my "favorite clients" have a few things in common.  In no particular order, I thought I'd share them with you in case it helps you to plan your own session :)My favorite clients:

- Give me input.  I love hearing your ideas and working with you to style your shoot!  If you want something super creative, let's brainstorm about it together to come up with something awesome.  My favorite clients know who they are and what they want, even if they're not sure how to get there.  That's where I come in!  Don't worry if you don't have specific ideas -  I still want your input :)  Who are you?  What do you like?  What makes you happy?  What do you dream about? What's your favorite color?  One of the best compliments I can get after a shoot is hearing, "Oh, that's so HER!" or, "You captured their personalities perfectly!"

- Email me.  I'll be honest here - I hate the phone.  Especially in the summer (which is my busiest season) if I don't write something down, I can 100% guarantee that I won't remember it.  Most of the time, I'm usually not around my phone because I'm out shooting.  I can't return your phone call at 1am, but I can return your email at 1am.  And there's a good chance I will :)  Email ensures that we're on the same page, and especially if you have questions about pricing, packages, or scheduling, please please please email rather than call - that way, if I have to look something up, I can make sure I have all the necessary information before talking to you.  If really feel more comfortable calling, that's totally fine,  just be aware that you'll probably always get voicemail in the summertime :) Same thing goes for texting - if you're running a few minutes late the day of your shoot and want to let me know, texting is awesome!  If you want to place an order or schedule a session, please email me.

- Have fun during the shoot!  Relax.  Joke around.  Make faces.  Take vodka shots if you have to (not you, high schoolers ;) Laugh. Tell me funny stories about your life.

- Are prepared. Come to your ordering appointment with a list of which aunts and uncles need which size photos, etc.  This will save us both so much time and help the whole process go a lot more smoothly :)

- Love your session?  Let me know!  I'm a big "word person" and I live off of your compliments, blog comments, and sweet notes.  More than once, my entire day has been turned around by a well-timed encouraging message from a client.  Thank you!  I need it, I love it, and it means more to me than you'll ever know.  You guys are wonderful!  I am so lucky :)

And here's one quick image from an incredible engagement session with two of my new "favorite clients" - Shalisa & Nate brought me a heart-shaped record.  Because Nate is the best DJ ever.  I can't wait to share the rest of this great session with you guys!

denver wedding photographer, denver engagement photographer